To create new users and to manage security settings you must be logged into Front Desk as the Admin user.
Once you’re signed in as the Admin user go to System > Security menu in the top left of Front Desk.
Within this window, you can see a list of all current users. Click the “Add” button to create new users.
After clicking the “Add” button you will be prompted to enter the new username and password for this user. The new user can also change this password after they log in if they wish.
If the new user is a practitioner, check the box as shown below to associate the new user account with the correct practitioner file.
Once the new user has been created the final step is to set up their specific access settings to Front Desk. Select the new user that was just created and press the “Access” button.
From this window, you can enable or disable features in Front Desk depending on what that new user should have access to. The “All” button on the right can enable access to all features on the tab you have selected to quickly set this up. Then you can selectively disable other features if needed.
Once access settings have been enabled as required select the ‘OK’ button to save the selected access permissions.