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How to Create SMS and Email Templates in Front Desk
How to Create SMS and Email Templates in Front Desk
Timothy avatar
Written by Timothy
Updated over a week ago

Front Desk SMS and Email templates can be created for different scenarios including appointment reminders, general correspondence, new patient information and marketing communications.

1. Creating SMS Templates

To create an SMS template, select System > Standard Messages > Standard SMS

Click Add to create a new Standard SMS template

Enter a Description for your template followed by an SMS message in the Text area. Your message can include Letter tags which will appear in red and enclosed in the following brackets << >>. Letter tags will automatically be populated with patient information from Front Desk where available. In the below example the patient’s preferred name, their next appointment time and the practitioner's name who they are seeing on the day.

A list of available Letter Tags can be found here:

Below are some SMS Template examples that you can use either directly or as the basis of your own custom templates in Front Desk. Simply copy the text between the dotted lines and paste into the Text box as seen in the step above.

General Appointment Reminder
Hi <<Prefname>>. Your next appt with <<NextAppointmentpracName>> is
on <<Appointmenttime(dddd d mmmm "at" h:mm am/pm)>>. Reply YES
to confirm or please call 8361 2666 Smartsoft Clinic

Inactive Patient Marketing SMS
Hi <<Prefname>>. We’ve missed you! Book an appointment this
month and receive a gap free treatment. Call today on
1800 18 18 20 regards from Smartsoft Clinic.

Note that Front Desk offers flexible and powerful formatting of dates and times in letter tags so that they can be view in various formats. Some examples follow;
Mon 24th June at 9.00 am
Monday 24/6/2016 at 9.00
Mon 24 June at 9 am

For information on formatting the date and time of your SMS Reminder see the following post:

2. Creating Email Templates

To create an Email template, select System > Standard Messages > Standard Emails and then select Add to create a new template.

Give the template a name in the Description field and type in a Subject for your email. Note that you can use letter tags in your subject.

Double click in the Message space to open up the HTML editor. When creating an HTML email, you can set the font type and add images to customise the look of your email. Don’t forget to utilise letter tags to personalise the email for each patient.

If you require any assistance with setting up your SMS and email templates please submit a support request at

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