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Working with columns in Front Desk
Working with columns in Front Desk
Steven avatar
Written by Steven
Updated over a week ago

This article provides an overview of working with Appointment Book columns in Front Desk, including how to add and delete, re-order and re-size columns. Please note the Appointment Book should be closed before making changes to columns in System Information.

With the Appointment Book closed, open System Information and navigate to the Appointment Book tab.

Click on the Columns sub-tab.

Adding & Deleting Columns:

Click Add to add a practitioner column to the Appointment Book.

Select the Practitioner you wish to add a column for.

Additional options are available by clicking Advanced


• Can make appointments for another practitioner in this column (override)
• Use default item codes for this column (not for the practitioner)

Click OK to add the practitioner column.

If required, multiple columns can be created for a single practitioner by repeating this process.

If a column is no longer needed, select the practitioner column you wish to remove and click Delete.

Please note this will NOT delete any appointments contained within that column. We recommend confirming there are no future appointments prior to removing a column, because the column will become hidden, but nothing is permanently lost.
The column can be re-added by clicking the Add button and selecting the appropriate practitioner.

Ordering columns:

The current practitioner columns will be listed in the order they appear, from left to right.

In this example Robert Smith will be on the left, while Mrs Good Hands will be on the far right.

To re-order the columns, select a practitioner from the list and use the blue arrows (pictured) to move the column to the desired position.

Once complete, close System Information and re-open the Appointment Book. Your new column ordering should be applied.

Please note the appointment book display can also be affected by Prac. Days, which determines whether a column appears on select days.

For example, Robert Smith’s column will not be displayed on Fridays:

Re-sizing Columns:
The width of columns on the Appointment Book can be set permanently for each computer.

To adjust the width a column, place your mouse cursor at the end of a column header as seen below.

The mouse pointer will change to the re-size cursor

when hovering in the correct position.

Using the left mouse button, click and drag the column to the desired width.

With your columns adjusted, close and re-open the Appointment Book (not Front Desk) to save the changes.

On re-opening the Appointment Book your new columns widths will be maintained.

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